Merry Christmas!!!! I can’t believe it’s that time of year already! This swimming season has just flown by and it’s been awhile since we’ve been on here – so I’ll try to catch everyone up on all that’s been happening! The semester has been done now for about a week and the girls are all home for Christmas break; and believe me, after finals, it’s a well deserved break! We’ve all worked hard both in and out of the pool and so some rest, relaxation, and family time will hopefully refresh the girls so they can come back ready for the new year! Just after the new year we’ll hit our training at it’s peak, as we head down to
Our hard work in the water has certainly paid off in the meets that we’ve swam in. Our first meet, the Augsburg Pentathalon went really well as did the Tommie Relay meet at the end of October. Our team really showed the strength we had at both meets. Right before the Relay meet we had our annual Halloween practice where everyone showed up in costume and then swam a length of the pool! We had some great costumes this year: winning first place were a pair of oompa loompas – complete with the song; we also had a mad scientist and egor, crayons, and many other creative costumes! As well...our sister sport Cross Country had their MIAC championship over the halloween weekend, so we headed over to Como Park after the Relay meet and cheered on the runners!!

The first part of November we headed up to
That next week we headed to Macalester for the fifth annual Hour of Power event. We teamed up with Hamline,
At Thanksgiving we got a little break, but with the anticipation of our last meet our coaches kept us working hard. Our last meet we swam at the
That ended our competition until after our training trip in January when we’ll be dualing
So…that’s our season in a little wrap up for now! We wish you a Merry Christmas and Blessings in the new year!!