Thursday, June 23, 2011

Facebook - "Like!"

St. Kate's Swimming & Diving is now on Facebook. Just search for us, and if you like us, then "Like" us! You'll find more photos and information about our current team and season, so check it out!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fundraising Fun!!!

The team waiting for the instruction to begin!! :)

At the end of May we decided to get started on our fundraising for next season. We found a great program at Valleyfair!!! If we worked for 8 hours they would pay our team!!! Soooo...we got 12 of us together...and with four friends it made 16!!! YAY!!! We worked throughout the park at the different food stations.

Afterwards we got to go back in and ride the rides. With basically no lines we got to ride quite a few!! :) It was a great way to end the day!

Thank you to all the friends who came to help out!! We couldn't have done it without you!!