Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Training Trip-Florida 2009

Happy New Year!! The team just got back from our training trip to the Florida Keys. It was a blast. This was one of the best years for the training trip. We had great weather, the place we stayed at was great and the pool was amazing for training. It was a lot of work, but we mixed in a little fun in there. While we were down there we had the opportunity to go snorkeling which was very fun. Some girls saw sting rays and barracudas! There was a nice team dinner and we spent a lot of time at the pool and beach tanning which was wonderful. Also, some girls had the opportunity to go to the Everglades to an Alligator Farm. This was my personal favorite because we got to watch the alligators feed, go on a fan boat in the Everglades and we got to hold snakes! Overall it was a great trip. For the next month we will be training really hard back in the frozen tundra to get ready for the MIAC Championships. Thank you to all the girls for their great attitudes and work ethic!

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