Saturday, January 8, 2011

Greetings from the Sunshine State!!

Hello Minnesota! I hope you are not completely frozen yet. We have been in Florida for a week now and have been enjoying our time here. We have been working very hard in the pool with two-a-days and enjoying the sunshine between practices. Trust me, its been rough with days in the lower 70's and upper 60's. Shana and Nicole have been very in tune with our training adjusting workouts to help us in the best way possible.

On Thursday (Happy Birthday Bridget!) we ventured to Key West to go para-sailing. It was so much fun to take the day off and enjoy the beautiful ocean from way up in the air. Below is a picture of what it looked like from the boat.

We have a few days left here on our training trip and I am certain we will make the best of them. We come back to frozen Minnesota on Tuesday and then we are off again to St. Thomas that weekend.

More pictures to come soon!


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