On April 30th, 2011 a small group of us headed over to the University of St. Thomas to participate in the Relay for Life event put on by the American Cancer Society and the school clubs from both St. Thomas and St. Kate’s: Colleges Against Cancer.

We signed up and asked for donations from our family and friends for this great cause! It was our third year participating in the event and was, again, a WONDERFUL experience. For 12 hours, from 7pm Saturday night through 7am Sunday morning we walked around the track – walking for all those we know who have had or who have cancer. The relay signifies the battle with cancer that those who have it or are affected by it face. It emphasizes the struggle, and the fatigue but also the power and dedication to overcome the dreadful disease of cancer so that one day the sun rises again and hope is found. The money all goes towards research for cancer so some day no one will have to hear the words: “You have cancer.”
We heard a speech from a leader on cancer research from the University of Minnesota as well as a personal story of the battle against cancer from a UST student.
The luminaria ce
remony was then held – remembering and honoring those we’ve lost, but also celebrating the one’s who have been saved. The lights were turned off and hundreds of bags with names of loved ones who have been affected were lit up around the track. It’s a very powerful experience and again, our team came together and supported one another to get through it.
Our team raised about $280 dollars – for only four of us on the team it was a great amount and we know that any and all of it helps! Total, between the two schools, almost $29,000 was raised!! How great is that?!?!!
We want to thank any and all who supported our team in donations, and hope that this has helped to bring us yet another step closer to that cure for cancer.

We signed up and asked for donations from our family and friends for this great cause! It was our third year participating in the event and was, again, a WONDERFUL experience. For 12 hours, from 7pm Saturday night through 7am Sunday morning we walked around the track – walking for all those we know who have had or who have cancer. The relay signifies the battle with cancer that those who have it or are affected by it face. It emphasizes the struggle, and the fatigue but also the power and dedication to overcome the dreadful disease of cancer so that one day the sun rises again and hope is found. The money all goes towards research for cancer so some day no one will have to hear the words: “You have cancer.”
We heard a speech from a leader on cancer research from the University of Minnesota as well as a personal story of the battle against cancer from a UST student.
The luminaria ce
Our team raised about $280 dollars – for only four of us on the team it was a great amount and we know that any and all of it helps! Total, between the two schools, almost $29,000 was raised!! How great is that?!?!!
We want to thank any and all who supported our team in donations, and hope that this has helped to bring us yet another step closer to that cure for cancer.
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